Pre-ejaculate and other discharge in men on excitement

To avoid unwanted pregnancies, people do not always use contraception. Some people prefer interrupted intercourse. In an erect state, pre-seminal fluid, lubricant, is released from the male member. It is believed to contain sperm, so this method of contraception is not 100% guaranteed. However, not all experts agree with this statement.

men excitement

Natural and Abnormal Sex Drive Secrets

Natural discharge when excited is a sign of male health. By their smell, color, structure, the state of fertility is determined.

The emergence of a natural secret

The fluid released from the seminal canal at the time of excitement helps the sperm to enter the egg. When a gamete enters the vagina, there are many obstacles in its path. Most of them cannot reach their destination due to the high acidity in the female organ.

Most spermatozoa in such an environment die without ever getting into the egg. The secretion coming out of the urethra reduces the acidity in the vagina: gametes have a chance to reach their destination.

Normal secret of transparent color, no unusual aroma. The structure is of medium density. There are no impurities in the secretions.

The secret can be observed not only with sexual desire, but also with morning erection. With intimate caresses: the body prepares for sexual contact.

The volume of fluid depends on the strength of arousal and the characteristics of the body. With a strong sex drive, ejaculate is synthesized in greater quantities.

The volume of the secret reaches five milligrams. Sometimes only a few drops are observed or there is no liquid at all. Together with the ejaculate, sperm are excreted. This must be taken into account: interrupted sexual intercourse is not capable of 100% preventing conception. Some gametes can reach the ovum. This is what the majority thinks.

The natural discharge that occurs during intimacy is called sperm. It consists of gametes and penile mucus. It has a thick consistency and a whitish tint. Leaves the penis after sexual release.

Secret indicators are normal

Each has an individual volume of secreted fluid. A man should know him. When there are changes in the quantity, structure, color and smell of the secretion, it is recommended to consult a specialist. This often indicates the development of various diseases.

However, changes do not always indicate pathologies. If a man has not had sex for a long time, the discharge comes out in large volume, has a thick consistency. The secret is visually more cloudy than usual. It has no blood impurities, yellow tint. Normal discharge should have the following characteristics:

  • absolutely transparent shade;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • medium density.

The state of the secret is also affected by the presence of addictions (alcohol dependence, smoking, drug use). Regular stress and strong emotional upheavals also affect men's health.

Sometimes discharge during sexual readiness leads to the urge to defecate. This is normal, but shouldn't happen too often.

Lack of intimate hygiene leads to the formation of a secret secreted by the sebaceous glands of the inner layer of the foreskin of the penis. Such discharge appears in the folds of skin on the glans penis. This is a pathological condition that provokes infectious and inflammatory processes.

During puberty, nocturnal emissions occur. This is due to erotic dreams that lead to arousal. An erection and involuntary ejaculation occurs. This is a physiological norm.

Change in secretion as a sign of pathological conditions

A change in the secret may indicate pathological processes:

  • inflammatory processes in the urinary system resulting from infection with pathogens;
  • STI;
  • cancerous growths;
  • problems after the postponed surgical impact;
  • trauma to the genitourinary system.

The secret can be produced in different quantities (depending on the disease and its neglect). In the discharge with pathologies, blood fluid, pus is observed. Their density and shade change.

Stretching transparent discharge indicates the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. In severe diseases, pus appears in secret, accumulating at the tip of the penis.

Together with a change in the secret, an unpleasant sensation, swelling of the penis may occur.

When mucus is observed instead of a normal secretion, this indicates a high concentration of leukocytes in the secretions. This indicates the presence of an STD. Pus in the discharge indicates trichomoniasis. With gonorrhea, the ejaculate turns green and smells bad.

Diseases of the genitourinary system are easier to cure at the initial stages of formation. Therefore, the discharge from the penis must be constantly monitored. In case of pathological changes, you must consult a doctor.

Causes of pathological changes

The reasons for changing the secret from the penis are varied. Most often, this indicates infection with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, STIs).

Pathologies provoked by bacteria:

  • inguinal granuloma;
  • soft chancroid;
  • Syphilis infection;
  • lymph granuloma;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • ureaplasmosis.

Viral lesions:

  • human immunodeficiency virus;
  • herpes;
  • papillomatosis;
  • molluscum contagiosum.

Diseases caused by the penetration of parasites:

  • pubic lice;
  • scabies.

A pathological condition can be triggered by the Candida fungus. The disease is called thrush.

The prostate gland is involved in the synthesis of semen. It produces a secret, without which the sperm loses its functionality. With prostatitis, its volume increases.

In case of violations in the prostate gland at the time of sexual arousal, a large amount of discharge comes out of the penis. This is a secret of the prostate, similar to pre-ejaculate.

A large amount of discharge may indicate pathological conditions:

  • inflammation;
  • allergic reaction;
  • hypothermia;
  • physical and chemical damage.
sex drive

Transparent mucus appears after probing. This is a protective reaction to micro-damage to the surface of the inner shell. A clear secretion during ejaculation indicates problems with fertility.

Only a specialist is able to determine the pathogenesis of a pathological condition. He makes a diagnosis based not only on a visual examination of the secret, but also on its biochemical composition. For this, various diagnostic methods are assigned.

Pre ejaculate

Pre-ejaculate (pre-seminal fluid, pre-seed) is a secret that arises from intimate contact or self-satisfaction from the opening of the penis. It should be viscous, transparent in color if the state of health is normal. Such discharge says that everything is in order with reproductive function.

Pre-seed formation

The secret is synthesized:

  • glands located at the base of the penis;
  • the tubular-alveolar glands of the urethra, located between the bladder and urine output.

With normal pre-ejaculation, secretions are produced in the amount of 3-10 mg. The volume depends on the age of the man: the older he is, the less secret. Pre-seed is an excellent vehicle for various infections.

In most cases, a man does not notice the secret. But sometimes before the seed can leave marks on the clothes. When pre-semen is observed outside of intercourse, this indicates a disorder in the prostate. You need to immediately contact a urologist.

Prescribing pre-ejaculate

Pre-ejaculate performs the following functions:

  • creates a sperm-friendly environment;
  • removes residual semen and urine;
  • reduces acidity;
  • promotes successful conception.

Pre-semen laboratory tests can diagnose various diseases.

Before seed and conception

The pre-seed has sperm in its constituents - this is what many people and experts assume.

Because of this, it is believed that interrupted sexual contact is not a reliable method of contraception.


Sperm consists of seminal fluid and sperm. Biscuits are synthesized together with testosterone in the testicles. The second substance is the secretion of the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. It is the sperm that leads to the fertilization of the egg.

The testicles and pre-seed are not related. If the secretion enters the seminal fluid, the gametes are not produced in sufficient quantities.

Medical delusion

The opinion that there are biscuits in front of the seed arose due to the frequent cases of fertilization even after interrupted sexual contact. This assumption is reflected in the medical and scientific literature. Even teachers in higher education institutions convey this information to their students.

However, some experts believe that this statement is a delusion. In Israel, an experiment was conducted to confirm or refute the opinion that there are gametes in the pre-ejaculate.


Twenty men of different ages took part in the experiment. Some of them were completely healthy, while others had problems with the genitourinary system.

Each biological material was collected and studied under medical equipment. No sperm sample was found. It has been proven that the opinion about the content of biscuits in pre-ejaculate is a misconception. This experiment was the only one, no more research was carried out.

Sexual interruption

Interrupted intimate contact - the exit of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. During sex, only the pre-seed is released from the organ. In it, as the experiment proved, there are no spermatozoa, which means that you cannot get pregnant from it. However, fertilization of an egg during an interrupted act occurs very often.

This method of protection is not effective for the following reasons:

  • too late withdrawal of the penis (often this happens with early ejaculation);
  • the remainder of the sperm in the tract after the previous sexual intercourse (they enter the female body together with the pre-sperm);
  • severe overexcitement, in which the man is unable to control ejaculation.

The most common case of oocyte fertilization is late withdrawal of the penis from the vagina. A man may not even suspect that ejaculation has begun.

The pre-seed creates a favorable environment for the sperm during the fertilization of the egg. It itself cannot cause pregnancy. However, you should not use interrupted intercourse as a means of contraception. Its effectiveness is rather low.