Most capable folk remedies to increase potency

One of the diseases in men that occurs most often in middle age and older is impotence, i.e. inability to maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse, or no erection. Such problems can be controlled with medication. But men, think about the side effects from the use of drugs, I believe that folk remedies to increase potency quickly and most effectively help them.

This ticklish issue may add troubles in the personal life of both partners. "Bummer" could happen to any young man, after severe fatigue, stress, lack of minerals and vitamins, and also very need the natural active substances in the body. This may be caused by alcohol abuse and even lack of sleep.

Fastest folk remedies increase potency

folk remedies to increase potency

Mother nature has ordained for men the so-called aphrodisiacs — substances that can in short, almost instantaneous time to have a strongly stimulating effect on the man. They have been used since ancient times to enhance sexual desire and, most importantly, opportunities. These products contain substances that increase the amount of sex hormones and blood flow to the genitals. They act quickly within a few hours.

Consider aphrodisiacs in more detail:

  • Garlic contains the mineral selenium. Its useful properties aimed at enhanced blood circulation in the organs that increases the potency and prolongs the time of erection;
  • Onions — properties similar to garlic;
  • Celery contains the hormone responsible for the potency and secondary sexual characteristics (Androsterone);
  • Parsley — regulates the hormonal balance of the male body with substances allowing to increase the level of testosterone (male hormone) — apigenin;
  • Fennel — has the ability to dilate blood vessels, causing a rush of blood to the male organs. Additionally contains vitamins and minerals;
  • Honey and walnuts is a natural Viagra that promote the production of testosterone;
  • Mussels and oysters contain a lot of zinc. A few pieces of oysters provide the necessary daily norm of zinc for man;
  • Ginger — in addition to improving potency, helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol in men.

Spices that increase male potency: curry and clove, as vanilla, thyme and rosemary. They can be added to prepared dishes or used in the preparation of vegetable broths.

Recipes folk remedies, reinforcing the possibilities for men:

  1. A drink made of honey and red wine — a combination known from Ancient Rus. Mix the honey, red wine and aloe Vera juice in the ratio 3:2:1, you can add parsley seeds. The mixture was infused for 12 days.
  2. A drink made of honey and carrot juice, it is better to add ginger. To drink taken 0.5 kg of walnuts, 300 g of honey and 100 ml of aloe juice or carrots. You need to drink before meals of 30 g.
  3. Mulled wine to enhance potency a drink made from red wine and dried fruits. First, it is a mixture of dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots — 100g each) 1 tbsp. sugar, preferably add the cardamom and cinnamon, you can add other spices. The mixture was poured red wine over low heat and heated for an hour. Best taken either before dinner or for a quick impact before sexual intercourse. The effect will be immediate.
  4. Honey of an application to do so. First, 200 g of honey diluted in 1 liter of warm water, and then moistened with a solution of the napkin is applied to the base of the male organ. The best thing to do in a day twice in 10 minutes.
  5. Decoction with ginseng. This plant is not called "the root of love." For the decoction of 100 g of root is poured 0.5 liters of water and infused for 2 days. Then the mixture should be cooked for 4 hours on low heat, add in 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey and cinnamon. Reception of broth is carried out after a meal of 100 g
  6. Also impotence accept teas or other types of drugs from calamus root, Dubrovnik and nettles. For example, one way of increasing the male power to mix the seeds of nettles and pre-softened banana, quite tasty.

What should be remembered?

increased potency

In the treatment of male impotence folk remedies you need to remember a few guidelines to help get rid of this problem not only through the use of special herbs and drinks:

  • The man should maintain a healthy lifestyle, sleep at least 8 hours a day, to lead an active life, eat right;
  • You must completely avoid alcohol, reduce the consumption of coffee and tea, fatty and fried foods;
  • The diet should be raw vegetables and fruits, root vegetables (especially radishes, daikon, beet, carrot, ginger)
  • Curative effect of honey and walnuts (to 1 Cup a day with goat's milk) increasing male desire and the ability;
  • The schedule of the week you need to put "bath day" or the day of taking "sun baths" (especially in summer).

And finally...

Popular recipes and recommendations to address such a private issue, there are a great many. You need to choose independently and empirically. Finding your own need a prescription enhance male power, we must not forget that the main helper in enhancing male potency is love.

Love to you and more masculine power!